Consistently focusing on the many ways consumers can share pictures, the new advertising demonstrates that great pictures are just the beginning. The "Share Moments, Share Life" campaign creates a strong emotional link for consumers between pictures and memories, while visually demonstrating the superior products that enable better pictures and better sharing.
All of the commercials in the campaign demonstrate Kodak's innovative technology through powerful visual images. In addition to national broadcast advertising, the campaign will also include an extensive print advertising component. The "Share Moments, Share Life" campaign offers consumers new ways to do more with their pictures, proving that pictures are a way of sharing life for generations to come.
That was back in year 2001 when digital devices had only just started being developed and Kodak maintained a strong market presence then. Fast forward nine years to 2009 and it is a very different world now. We have our iphones, blackberries and bluetooth technology. We can upload with ease our freshly taken holiday pictures to Flickr for the world to see if we so desire. Fading pictures and aged-yellowed albums are now a bad memory of the past. Against the backdrop of digital advances, Kodak announced in June 2009 the sad news for the retirement of their Kodachrome film, once the widely popular film of choice for both amateur and professional photographers.