A popular Hong Kong manga series, Stormriders is set in ancient China and illustrates the lives and destinies of the two main protagonists, Wind and Cloud. The series was adapted and made into a movie: The Stormriders in 1998 with Ekin Cheng and Aaron Kwok in the leads. Versatile Japanese actor Sonny Chiba took on the role of Lord Conquer. Lots of CGI effects were created for this movie.
This is the plot summary:
Lord Conquer is a mighty warlord who wants to take over the world. To do so, he must defeat another warrior named Sword Saint; but the battle is prophesized to take place in ten years. Lord Conquer's servant, Mud Buddah, says that he can make himself invincible by then if he can make two certain children his disciples. Those children are Whispering Wind and Striding Cloud. But Lord Conquer discovers that if Wind and Cloud were to unite against him, they could overthrow him. He tries to avoid this by marrying his daughter Charity to Wind. Cloud intervines and Lord Conquer accidentally kills Charity. Meanwhile, the time has come for Lord Conquer's duel with Sword Saint. He shows his true intentions by turning against Cloud and Wind. Now it's a free-for-all battle between Lord Conquer, Sword Saint, Cloud, and Wind. And only one will emerge the victor
Shown here are these 2 very well made replicas of the weapons used by the main characters. They are suitable for use as letter-openers but for me. I just collect them.
Weapons of choice for Wind and Cloud
The Ultimate Sword wielded by Wind
Snowy Saber weapon favored by Cloud