Astro Boy The Joker Globe Inglourious Basterds t-shirt Terminator T2 in Town

November 26, 2009

Pizza Hut Taco Bell KFC Collectible Star Wars Planets Toys

A set of 3 collectible fast food toys, namely Planet Coruscant, Planet Tatooine and Planet Naboo.

The latch springs back and there is some limited movement of the charcters in the display.

November 25, 2009

Burger King Fellowship of the Ring Kids Meal Toys

Shown here is a complete set of nine Burger King Fellowship of the Ring kids meal toys from my collection of movie-themed items. 

Frodo, Arwen, Saruman and Gandalf

Ringwraiths, Legolas, Galadriel and Strider


I was actually very reluctant to take out the toys from their packaging but fortunately I found that I had an additional toy for Legolas so I have taken it out for photos. Enjoy!



what's inside

collector card

close-up of Legolas figure

2012 Movie Collectibles with book purchase at Times Bookshop

I saw this 2012 promotion at the Times bookshop in Plaza Singapura, with the purchase of any of the 4 books shown here, you could receive either a 2012 movie water bottle or keychain while stocks last.

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