The Surrogates Dynamo LED Emergency Torchlight features a built-in rechargeable battery which is easily charged via a hand-cranked handle. It also functions as a useful phone charger for certain models of Sony Ercisson, Motorola and Nokia phones. Just connect your mobile phone with the appropriate phone adapter to the torch and start cranking the handle. In a few minutes, your phone is ready to use. Nice!
Surrogates LED Torchlight box
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Bottom View
close-up (1)
close-up (2)
1 LED light
3 LED lights
Connection cord and 4 adapters
(1 Sony Ericsson, 1 Motorola, 2 Nokia)
Instruction Manual
With Crank handle extended
Tried charging my N70 - It Works!
Surrogates Laptop Protactor in packaging
Laptop Protector for 15 inch notebook