This is a media release from UIP (Singapore) for
The Truman Show in 1998. I couldn't agree more with UIP, this movie is indeed brilliant and "an unforgettable experience". Jim Carrey puts up a most entertaining and critically acclaimed performance as the unwitting star of The Truman Show, a live reality TV show that centres around his life. Life for Truman Burbank is literally one big show, everything around him is one big movie set. Friends, colleagues, neighbours and even his wife are just actors acting out the script. Situations are created on the show to milk ratings. What a terrible premise! While I laughed along easily at the jokes, I couldn't help but sympathise with the unfortunate Truman who has his life under scrutiny 24/7.
I left the cinema hall in a reflective mood, comtemplating questions for which I had no immediate answers. Isn't life somewhat like a big stage and we are the actors? Are we truly happy with what we have? Are we meant to be doing something else with our lives? Too many questions....
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