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September 28, 2009

The One Movie Collectible Keychain

A collectible keychain from the movie The One with Jet Li in the lead role.  In my opinion, this movie suffers from a weak script that is really uninspiring and preposterous.  We are supposed to believe that there are many parallel universes with many other versions of our own selves in existence. And suppose that one evil version of ourself starts traversing across parallel universes killing the other versions.  And why, you ask? Just so that with each version killed, it would make the surviving versions stronger.  Our evil version of Jet Li wants to be The One, the last surviver and strongest of them all.  Yeah right. But even a Shaolin trained Jet Li couldn't save this sad excuse of a movie. In the end, this movie is really just a vehicle for Jet Li to show off some moves and make some moolah.  Take my advice, give this movie a miss. If you still insist on watching, you must either be very very bored or an incorrigible die-hard Jet Li fan!


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